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From digest.v7.n949 Thu Jan 15 00:23:50 1998
From: Team M3 <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 20:44:23 EST
Subject: Re: M3 forged alloys

Somebody wrote:

<<I may have access to a set of M3 forged alloys. These are the wheels off a 97 M3 lightweight. They are $3,000 from BMW. These wheels have about 100 miles on them. These are the 5 split spoke wheels. They are 17x7.5 and 17x8.5. The forged wheels are polished on the face. I can get you the wheels for about $2,000. Anyone interested let me know, I am located in New Jersey.>>

This exactly what I was talking about in a previous post. If you have the right BMW parts source you can get a new set of these for ~$2300; $3000 is the list price for dorks. For $2000 you can get a set of 3 piece wheels that weigh 30% less. I'm not trying to flame the seller, if you can get that price more power to you. They're worth whatever someone will pay for them. I'm also assuming they don't have tires on them, which is the way the post reads.

ps: the LTW M3 was only produced in 1995, the wheels this guy is selling are the std option M3 wheels offered for 1996 and newer M3's. They're basically the same wheel, just polished, and I don't think they have "BMW Motorsport" imprinted on them like the LTW. Those who ordered this option in 1995 received exact duplicates of the LTW wheels.

Mark Sipe

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