Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v7.n412 Thu Oct 9 21:29:11 1997
From: bobv_at_domino.gvg.tek.com (Bob Vaughn)
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 97 16:16:08 PDT
Subject: Re: Preferred tires for M3s
>While I'm sure this question has been asked before, I wanted to solicit
>advise from fellow M3ers (or anyone willing to provide their two cents)
>of the preferred all around tire of choice. Being a new BMW owner, I'm
>just trying to gather as much knowledge as I can. Thanks.
Peter -
I just bought my first set of tires after thoroughly wearing-out the
original Michelins. The Michelin's served me well through various
safety schools, driving schools, and autocrosses but I was never really
happy with their performance in the rain. After doing some research, I
decided to give Bridgestone Potenza S-02s a try. They are almost
exactly the same price as the Pilots from Tire Rack (about $260), and
are rated pretty highly.
I know looks don't mean a whole lot when it comes to tires... but it
seems like they should channel water away much better than the Pilots.
I've only had them a week and am very happy with them so far. We've
had a good rain storm here (in northern CA) the last few days and they
seemed to hydroplane much less than the Pilots.
As far as handling goes, my immediate impression is that they are much
quieter and yield a softer ride than the Michelins. They feel like
they don't have as stiff a sidewall as the Pilots, but then again I'm
comparing brand new Bridgestones to almost cord-showing Michelins.
They seem to "stick" just as well in the corners as did the Pilots when
they were new.
Overall, I think they'll be a fine street tire. It's yet to be seen
how well they do on the track or autocross course though. One other
really nice thing about the Potenzas is the rim protector. The edge of
the wheel sits about 1/8 to 1/4 inch inside the tire so it offers the
wheels some protection against damage.
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