Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v7.n170 Tue Aug 26 09:33:01 1997
From: "Jason H. Leung" <jleung20_at_flash.net>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 23:39:40 -0500
Subject: M3 x-brace
I bought the X-brace from Turner and the mounting
hardware was included with the $199 price.
My $0.02 says that the mounting hardware
that fits the brace is absolutely garbage.
They give you these threaded sockets
that you are supposed to hammer into
the stock holes on the underbody, and
then, in theory, you can bolt in the
x-brace to the sockets....
except in my case, when I started
to bolt the the brace into the
sockets, the sockets started
spinning in the holes....
oh yeah....a lotta torque there!
I spent a couple of hours fishing
NUTS inside the underbody so
that I could nut and bolt the
brace into position....much better...
but damn, that was a pain!
Jason H. Leung
92 325iK
BMW CCA 140710
Windy City Chapter
From digest.v7.n171 Tue Aug 26 12:45:35 1997
From: Land Shark <lndshrk_at_xmission.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 09:59:26 -0600
Subject: X-Brace mounting hardware
Sorry to disagree Jason.. it was the INSTALLER
not the hardware *grin*
There is a TRICK to those nuts that very few people
know.. here it is..
Place one washer over the head of the bolt and then put
bolt thru xbrace.. now add ANOTHER washer and then put
it into the nutsert..
You can actually PREINSTALL the NUTSERTS using 2 washers
on the bolt and precollapse them...
If you don't use the second washer.. you get nailed..
I don't know why, but it was told to me by someone at
BMW M and it WORKS!!
From digest.v7.n172 Tue Aug 26 15:04:04 1997
From: blevin_at_nohost.corp.sgi.com (B. Levin)
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 09:39:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: M3 x-brace mounting
<<From: "Jason H. Leung" <jleung20_at_flash.net>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 23:39:40 -0500
Subject: M3 x-brace
I bought the X-brace from Turner and the mounting
hardware was included with the $199 price.
My $0.02 says that the mounting hardware
that fits the brace is absolutely garbage.
They give you these threaded sockets
that you are supposed to hammer into
the stock holes on the underbody, and
then, in theory, you can bolt in the
x-brace to the sockets....
except in my case, when I started
to bolt the the brace into the
sockets, the sockets started
spinning in the holes....
oh yeah....a lotta torque there!>>
Here's what's _supposed_ to happen: these thingies are called 'nut-serts' (at
least Dinan calls them that). I, too, ordered the Turner x-brace (bmw part,
really) and tried to install it. Turns out that you need a SPECIAL TOOL to
put these 'serts in. Sort of like a pop rivet or a molly bolt. I think you
have to keep the 'serts in the hole and turn a special threaded screw to
collapse the collar, THEN you can screw the lugs to the threads.
I took my car to an alignment shop, locally, and they spent hours trying to
figure it out. THey gave up and bascially screwed up my 'serts, so I need to
get another set. This time, I'll have Dinan mount the thing for me - they
seem to know how to do it.
As to putting nuts in there (conventional ones), I was told this was NOT a
good idea, as the x-brace needs to come off if things need servicing right
above it. I suggested that we just weld the damn thing there, but they said
it would have to come off sooner or later, so don't make it permanent. I
guess you'll have to get those nuts back in again, and again, etc. (How did
you even GET them in there??)
So, I still have my 328i with no x-brace - and am thinking of going to an M3,
anyway; which DOES have these nutserts preinstalled (yay!)
- --
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