Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v7.n1344 Thu Mar 19 11:52:36 1998
From: Neil Maller <neilmaller_at_worldnet.att.net>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 09:21:05 -0500
Subject: Re: <E36 M3> BMW dealer can't align with H&R/Bilsteins?
>From: Daniel Chin <danieljchin_at_yahoo.com>
>Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 20:45:08 -0800 (PST)
>Subject: BMW dealer can't align 96 M3 with H&R/Bilsteins?
>After having the H&R OE Sports (half inch drop
>at all 4 corners) and Bilstein Sports installed,
>i took my car to a dealer to have the alignment done
>and to get my dead radio amplifier replaced
>under warranty. Well, the dealer couldn't read/set
>the caster becuz the H&R/Bilstein combination was
>blocking the laser beam!!?? It was 5:30 pm and they
>were anxious as i was to get myself out the door.
>Oh, i had the bearing hats switched Right to Left
>for that extra half degree 'o neg camber. Maybe this
>upset access to the caster measurement as well?
>Lucky i have an appointment with another private
>alignment shop tomorrow. If they can't do it with
>more 'primitive' alignment tools, then i guess i have
>the bearing hats switched back (?) :-(
>Any advice, hasn't this problem been encountered
Caster on the M3 isn't adjustable, it's determined by the geometry of the
parts. Therefore measuring it is of only academic interest, except in
case of suspected accident damage.
Camber isn't adjustable either, as you know. Swapping the left and right
strut upper bearing plates (works for 96 and later M3 only) will add
close to 1.5 degrees of negative camber, for a total of around 2.5
degrees (measured value of my car). Lowering the suspension will also
have added a little more negative camber over stock.
I strongly suggest you have the alignment shop measure camber for you,
with a view to deciding whether you really want to live with that much.
Increasing negative camber on the E36 M3 is really just a workaround to
decrease understeer by compensating for a slightly soft front suspension.
Since you've lowered and stiffened the suspension anyway, it's
questionable whether you need to alter camber, except for serious track
use. Running on the street with a lot of negative camber tends to wear
the inside tread of your front tires prematurely.
The only adjustment that can be made is toe-in, and you will indeed need
to have that set after your suspension mods.
96 M3
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