Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v7.n1834 Fri Jun 5 18:22:03 1998
From: "Steve D'Gerolamo" <steved3_at_idt.net>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 19:49:55 -0400
Subject: Front Wheel Bearing Replacement
Robert writes: "You were all helpful on the broken stud on the shock
bearing. Now for
some more questions on replacing the front wheel bearings. I think it
is a job I can do myself. Any hidden pitfalls or tricks from those who
have done it?"
Changing a front wheel hub/bearing assembly is a 15 minute job (per
side) on just about any E30/E36, E28/E34 or E24/E31/E32 with the special
tools (will take a little longer with generic pullers and drifts). It's
so easy that Ben Liaw could do these at his ShiftFests as an added feature.
I'll go through "my" procedure and reference the tools and products that
I use in parentheses...you can substitute your own tools & chemicals.
(1) Remove the wheel and spray the caliper retainer screw with
penetrating oil (Wurth Rost Off). Remove the caliper and hang from the
strut with a wire or bungee cord.
(2) Hit the rotor retainer screw with a 10mm drift punch (Facom
0249.G10)...this should loosen the rust and allow the screw to come out
with an allen socket (SK41404 or SK41405). Remove the rotor.
(3) Remove the bearing outer dust cap (Facom DR11).
(4) Using a punch or needle nose pliers, bend the locking tab on the
retainer nut so the nut can be removed. Using an impact gun (IR2131) and
the appropriate socket (SK34086 for 36mm or Facom K46HA for 46mm), spin off
the bearing retainer hub nut.
(5) Attach special tool (BMW tool #312100) with the appropriate
attachment for your car and pull the bearing/hub assembly off the spindle.
If the race detaches and hangs up on the spindle, pull it off with a long
finger puller (Facom U301).
(6) If the inner dust cap appears undisturbed, you may leave it in place.
I include new caps with my bearings just in case.
(7) Attach special tool (BMW tool #312110 or 312120) to the spindle and
press on the new bearing assembly. Note, if you buy an SKF bearing, you'll
have to remove the plastic retainer piece that keeps the race from
separating from the ball bearings during transit...the FAG units are all
set to install.
(8) Install the new 36mm or 46mm nut...torque to 210 ft lbs (Facom
S206-350). Use a chisel or punch to split the locking collar of the hub
nut and bend it into the spindle slot.
(9) Re-install the outer dust cap, brakes, wheel and you're done. SD
Steve D'Gerolamo - The Ultimate Garage
201-262-0412 / steved3_at_idt.net / http://www.ultimategarage.com
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