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From digest.v5.n106 Tue Aug 13 15:32:57 1996
From: (Aquino,Armand)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 11:36:06 PDT
Subject: FOR SALE Pioneer CD Changer

Upon further research, I've found out that the Pioneer CDX-M30 will not be able to mate with my BMW/Pioneer head unit. My head unit's model number is KE93ZBM. When I press the PROG and MINUS buttons I get "PIO2" or "P102" depending on the reader. Apparently, BMW changed the data chip in late 1994 builddate cars (mine was about Sept. '94 build) to prevent exactly what I'm trying to do - which is to use the Pioneer CDX-M30.

The cd changer will work pre-late 1994 builddate cars. From my notes, these model numbers would definitely work


or having the codes when you press the PROG and MINUS key:


It would definitely would NOT WORK with "PIO2" or "Alpine5". I cannot say for anything else. Some units may also require swapping pins 12 and 13 on the connector. This can easily be verified by checking continuity from the radio end of the cable to the trunk end of the cable.

The Pioneer CDX-M30 changer is brand new and unused, not mounted, still has its original box, wrappings and all paperwork, and is EXACTLY 2 days old today (Tuesday). I'm selling the cd changer, 2 EXTRA 6 disc holders, and the adapter cable for $360 plus shipping. For comparison, the changer alone is $469 and $440 from two different local stores. The extra disc holders are about $20 each and the adapter is $30.

Please e-mail me privately with your radio model number or radio code when you press the PROG and MINUS keys together. You can also call me at (716) 427-3502 work or (716) 271-2376 home.


Armand Aquino
BMW CCA Board Member
Genesee Valley Chapter
Newsletter Editor

P.S. - On another note, I also inquired about getting a whole new aftermarket head unit and CD changer for about $700 such as Sony or Alpine. I was told by the installer that they would have to charge an extra $100 for my particular BMW since BMW made it more difficult to connect to the amplifier. This also involves a good amount of teardown in the interior-something I'm not willing to do. Also, the top of the line Sony changer only has 92dB Signal to Noise ratio while the Pioneer has 97dB. Newer models tend to be lower spec'ed to keep costs low, I've been told. So my only recourse (only recourse for people with "PIO2" radios) is to get the BMW version of the Pioneer CDX-M30 for about $500. That's a HUGE difference in price for adding a BMW sticker.

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