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From digest.v7.n911 Fri Jan 9 13:33:18 1998
From: Wood HeBe <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 11:32:35 EST
Subject: Supercharged M3s

I have 10,000 miles on an ERT kit on a 95 M3. I am very pleased with the kit. Yes, there have been some problems, but ERT and Powerdyne fixed them at no charge. My supercharger internal belt and bearings went bad. This did not hurt the car in any way, the only tip off was the noises from the unit. I called ERT and they said remove the unit immediately and return it to Powerdyne for rebuilding. Since I installed the kit myself, it wasn't too tough to do this. I was able to kludge the induction back together so that I could continue to drive the car.

Now the good news. The system is awesome! Anyone who has ever driven a 1979 Porsche turbo will love this setup. Since ERT replaces the Motronic chip and the injectors the surprise is much greater low end response and torque. I did opt for the bigger throttle body, frankly if you are going to spend this much money, go ahead and do it all! I already had installed a B&B exhaust system, this or another free flowing system is a must with this kit.

The bottom line...Sure it was expensive ($6000), but it will outrun most everything on the road. How about a 0-60 of 4.8 sec? Be prepared to buy a lot of rear tires if you use the boost a lot in the lower gears. This has to be the cheapest way to have supercar performance. 1995 M3

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