Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From: Duane Collie keeproom_at_keepingroom.com
Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 09:18:33 -0400
Subject: E36 EPROM install directions
I've been swamped with requests for the Jim C. Order form and
install instructions for the chips as they pertain to the E36
cars. A lot of the requests have been for the E36 chip install
directions by themselves so here they are:
Duane Collie's UNOFFICIAL EPROM chip
instructions for the E36 BMW.
Use at your own risk! I guarantee no accuracy for these.
Applicable specifically to a 92-95 M3.
Before you can order Jim C's Chip you have to get the DME code
off your computer box. All cars manufactured after 01/95 or later
have drive away code protection and the chips are not swappable
between different cars. Its pretty easy on the E36 as follows:
1. Open the hood and look on the passenger side firewall for
an ugly flat rubber gasket on the firewall.
2. Pull the three plastic plugs out and the gasket will fold
down into the engine compartment.
3. Back out the four black Phillips #2 screws that are
attached to the black plastic cover you now see (they stay in the
cover with retainers so they don't fall away).
4. Remove the plastic cover. Look inside the hole for the
silver metal box - that's your computer control.
5. You will see two (left and right) nickel colored # 2
Phillips screws. Take those off and pull out w/brackets.
6. Slide the box unit out and record the DME numbers.
Reinstall. (the brackets are left/right specific)
Now, when you do get the chip, you will find Jim Conforti
sends NO instructions. So, do all of the above but continue with:
1. Remove the wiring cable by pulling on the metal lever. Pull
hard and swing it towards you. Then the cable itself rotates out
and away to disconnect at an angle. You will see a release notch
when you pull it out - note the position for re-assembly.
2. Take the box to your workbench. Flip it upside down.
3. Pry back the (8) silver tabs holding the box together. You
many break one or two off....no big deal.
4. Remove the cover.
5. Look for the largest chip on the board. It has a white
plastic retainer cover over it.
6. Pull the plastic cover off straight up (wiggle it a bit).
7. There's your chip. Before you pull the stock chip, look and
see the orientation on the ends. There is a "dimple" on
one end of the chip. The new Jim C. chip must go in the same way,
dimple to the right.
8. Pry out the old EPROM chip..carefully! Be sure to ground
yourself first so there are no static discharges when you touch
it. Pry gently and slowly, alternating ends.
9. Install the Jim C chip being careful to not bend those
little arms. Go slow and press hard to set the chip. Support the
bottom of the board with your free hand.
10. Reassemble all in reverse order.
If your car starts when you are done - you did it right!. If
it does not - something got installed wrong. Go Back and try
again. Either you bent an EPROM leg on the install or did not get
your cable hooked up correctly. No need to disconnect the battery
to install, by the way.
Jim C's Chip also boosts the redline, removes the top end
speed limiter and ( I think) the anti-knock detector. Be sure no
low octane gas gets in there - melted piston may result! Do not
run less than 92 octane -no exceptions! Got a problem with these
instructions? - tell your therapist!
Have fun!
Duane Collie
National Capital Chapter