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From digest.v6.n323 Thu Mar 6 10:18:01 1997
From: jfiresto_at_AWI-Bremerhaven.DE (John Firestone)
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 12:10:30 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: <E36> Shop Manual

DeRobertis, Ken writes:
>This topic has been discussed and I did some research but is there any type
>of shop manual that is fairly recent for an '97 3 Series?

This is second time this question has been asked in the last week. So what the heck, here is the second time I am posting an answer. Has this made it into the FAQ?

  • -John
  • -- John Firestone, Alfred Wegener Institut fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung +49 (471) 4831 363 Postfach 120161, D-27515 Bremerhaven .. ... .... 149 (fax)
From: jfiresto_at_AWI-Bremerhaven.DE (John Firestone)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 18:34:08 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: <E36> Haynes Manual

Marty McBride writes:
>As far as a [repair] manual, we are all still waiting for anyone to
>come out with an [E36] manual. I heard through this list that Haynes
>was going to publish one. At this point I would probably settle for
>a Chiltons,
>God forbid it should come to that.

Well keep the faith brothers and sisters and ye shall not serve time in shade tree mechanic's purgatory. As John Burnes and Stuart Metcalfe have reported earlier, Haynes has published an aftermarket repair manual for the E36 3ers, and it looks like a good one. My copy, ordered surface mail from England, just arrived today, so here are the particulars.

BMW 3-Series Service and Repair Manual by Mark Coombs and Steve Rendle, ISBN 1 85960 210 X, Haynes Product Code 3210.

If you can't get a copy locally [e.g. in the U.S.] you can order one directly from Haynes, by mail:

J.H. Haynes and Company, Ltd.
Sparkford, Nr. Yeovil
Somerset BA22 7JJ

by telephone:

+44 (1963) 440 635

by fax:

+44 (1963) 440 001

or by telex:


The cost is 10.99 pounds plus shipping and possibly 17.5% VAT. (The total for Germany came to 13.07 pounds). You can pay by credit card.

Be aware that the manual DOES NOT COVER the new 1.9L and 2.8L engines, diesel engines, the 3er touring, the Compact or the M3.

  • - -John
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