Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v5.n110 Wed Aug 14 12:17:22 1996
From: NewtMan_at_aol.com
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 13:34:59 -0400
Subject: Re: 328i Whistling and Other Assorted Auditory Emanations
In a message dated 96-08-13 18:27:56 EDT, you write:
<< 328i Whistling and Other Assorted Auditory Emanations >>
Dear Carlos:
Of the many noise related things you mentioned, here are four noise problems
I've heard of that are specific to the 328 and the first two I know your
dealer will fix...
- The stepper motor "beeping sound that appears to come from the vents or
dash" in 10 mph increments during accelleration or decelleration -- BMW has a
bulletin to fix this, I think they oil the stepper motor which quiets it
down. Pressing and unpressing the "recirc" button on the climate control
demonstrates the beep as well.
- "328 clicking noise", I forgot what this was all about [I never had it but
got it fixed anyway -- go figure that one out!], but I know that if you
mention it to the service department, they'll pull up the bulletin and cover
this as well -- I think it entails installing a little rubber bushing under
the hood near the intake.
- Exhaust chirping sound. Pull down your rear seat and take the car over
3000rpm [or if you don't have fold down seats put your window down and drive
close to a left-side guard-rail on the freeway], you'll begin the hear a
chirping noise from the rear exhaust area after you pass 3000 rpm -- the
chirp is the 328's new exhaust flap opening...then vibrating and making the
noise -- this is normal, but can be reportedly quieted by epoxying a quarter
to the exhaust flap within the tailpipe. This calms down the flap's vibration
at high RPM's.
- Also, Henry from Noble Auto just posted this on "Creaky Window
Noise"...."Those of you with noisy(creaking)windows might want to try bmw's
gummiflage. Part number 82149407015 list price of 8.50$ "
That's all I have on the subject Carlos.
Good luck with your emanations!
.1996 328is Green & tan |||||||||||||||||||||||||| Newtman_at_aol.com
.Sports pckg, 5spd || E36+M52 || 73233.616_at_compuserve.com
.ASC+T & Harmon Kardon |||||||||||||||||||||||||| L.I., N.Y. CCA#111050
.Added: Racing Dynamics Strut Brace
. BMP/VDO E36 Gauge Cluster
. BBS Moda 7.5 X 16 rims
. M-Technic body treatment
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