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From digest.v5.n110 Wed Aug 14 12:17:22 1996 From:
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 13:34:59 -0400
Subject: Re: 328i Whistling and Other Assorted Auditory Emanations

In a message dated 96-08-13 18:27:56 EDT, you write:

<< 328i Whistling and Other Assorted Auditory Emanations >>

Dear Carlos:

Of the many noise related things you mentioned, here are four noise problems I've heard of that are specific to the 328 and the first two I know your dealer will fix...

  1. The stepper motor "beeping sound that appears to come from the vents or dash" in 10 mph increments during accelleration or decelleration -- BMW has a bulletin to fix this, I think they oil the stepper motor which quiets it down. Pressing and unpressing the "recirc" button on the climate control demonstrates the beep as well.
  2. "328 clicking noise", I forgot what this was all about [I never had it but got it fixed anyway -- go figure that one out!], but I know that if you mention it to the service department, they'll pull up the bulletin and cover this as well -- I think it entails installing a little rubber bushing under the hood near the intake.
  3. Exhaust chirping sound. Pull down your rear seat and take the car over 3000rpm [or if you don't have fold down seats put your window down and drive close to a left-side guard-rail on the freeway], you'll begin the hear a chirping noise from the rear exhaust area after you pass 3000 rpm -- the chirp is the 328's new exhaust flap opening...then vibrating and making the noise -- this is normal, but can be reportedly quieted by epoxying a quarter to the exhaust flap within the tailpipe. This calms down the flap's vibration at high RPM's.
  4. Also, Henry from Noble Auto just posted this on "Creaky Window Noise"...."Those of you with noisy(creaking)windows might want to try bmw's gummiflage. Part number 82149407015 list price of 8.50$ "

That's all I have on the subject Carlos.

Good luck with your emanations!


.1996 328is Green & tan      ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
.Sports pckg, 5spd              || E36+M52 ||

.ASC+T & Harmon Kardon |||||||||||||||||||||||||| L.I., N.Y. CCA#111050

.Added: Racing Dynamics Strut Brace

.           BMP/VDO E36 Gauge Cluster
.           BBS Moda 7.5 X 16 rims
.           M-Technic body treatment
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