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From digest.v4.n847 Tue Jul 16 13:12:51 1996
From: David Cohen <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 15:51:16 -0400
Subject: 1996 (E36) M3 Alarm problem update

Just to update everybody on how things are (not) progressing with my alarm problems on my 1996 M3.

Just to refresh everyone, I bought a new M3 with a Dealer installed BMW (Alpine) alarm. The alarm has determined that neither I nor my neighbors needs sleep and that it will go off in the middle of the night (between 1am and 6am). Well after two trips to the dealer (who "turned down the sensitivity" on both occasions), I still have the problem. They then set up an appointment to switch out the control unit on Monday. However, on Friday they call to cancel, informing me that this is a problem and that Alpine is working with BMW to fix it. I am told by them that this problem affects other models (I get a vague answer when I ask which saying all new models like maybe the new 5's and 328's). At this point I also get the name of some at BMW NA. I also inquire if there is any case #, TSB #, tracking # or *anything* related to this problem. They say no, there is no such thing.

So today I call the BMW NA rep and talk to him. I am told that it is an M3 problem only. They again say they have no case # or any such thing and that the only way to find out about this problem is for a dealer to call the techline (how they can track such things without records of reported problems beats me!!!!). I ask how I can be sure that there will ever be a resolution (I had asked for a committment in writing from the dealer that they would fix this problem and they refused), and basically was told to keep calling the dealer. The only thing out of the whole conversation was that I told I would be refunded the cost of the alarm if I requested it. I responded by saying I would look into alternatives first.

So if anyone out there has any suggestions, let me know. I am not too happy with the response so far. Several trips to the dealer and as far as I can see I may be just getting the run around from the dealer. I don't think so but they sure aren't getting the problem solved.

If you are having problems with the Alpine alarm on especially 1996 models drop a note...I'll add you to my list...

Also what *good* alternatives are available for the E36 M3?

Well, must get back to work...

Dave Cohen
1996 (E36) M3

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