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From digest.v7.n179 Wed Aug 27 17:42:34 1997
From: Richard Biscevic <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 11:00:45 -0700
Subject: Radar Detector Hardwire Installation Instructions for E36


I've received a number of requests for instructions to hardwire the Valentine 1 radar. These instructions will position the radar on the driver's side, or passenger's side of the rear view mirror. The unit hardwires into a 'switched' 12 volt power source, so that the radar will turn on and off with the ignition. This should be supplemented with the Valentine 1 (or other radar's) instructions, so that all fuses are in-line.

Valentine 1
(2) 3M wire taps from Radio Shack (or other source) 6" of telephone cord (the power cord for the Valentine) A pair of pliers

  1. Remove header panel with the sunroof switch on it. The panel has hard plastic tabs facing the rear, so you'll want to bend the panel down from the middle of the sides facing the door. Work the back side off first, rotating around the front edge.
  2. Remove the interior light from its housing. There are two metal clips on the side facing the rear that hold the interior light in place. Firmly work the interior light out, starting with the side facing you (again, facing the rear of the car) and rotate around the edge facing the front of the car. The unit will pop out. At this point, you'll have both the panel and the interior light dangling by their wires in front of you.
  3. Clamp the male 3M wire tap onto the power and ground wires of the Valentine fusebox. Remember: red is power, black is ground.
  4. Clip the female 3M wire taps into the power and ground wires on the car.

NOTE: The following wires were used by a BMW dealer on a '94 production M3. If your car does not have these wires, STOP, and use an alternative means of power.

12V + : Purple w/ white strip
GROUND: Solid Brown - NO strips

Locate a place on the wires and clip the female 3M wire taps across the wires.

5) Thread the wires on the Valentine 1 fuse box over the brace that held the interior light in place. (You'll need to do this so that you can re-install the interior light. The fuse box fit next to the sunroof motor.)

6) Connect the 3M wire taps together, marrying the Valentine fuse box to the power and ground wires of the car.

7) Plug the power cable into the fuse box and the Valentine 1 radar. Make sure no exposed metal parts are touching any other and turn the ignition to 'on'. Turn on the radar and make sure the unit powers up. If the unit does not power up, check all wires and the fuse, then review the Valentine manual.

If the unit does turn on, proceed.

8) Disconnect the power cord from the fuse box and the radar unit.

9) Run the power cord to intended location of the Radar. Thread the power cord through the header insulation (between the insulation and the windshield), and plug the other end into the fuse box.

10) Replace the interior light the same way you removed it, and arrange the fuse box so that it won't press against the sunroof switch or motor. There is enough room up there.

11) Replace the sunroof panel.

12) Mount the Valentine on the windshield, and plug it in.

You're done. Now wasn't that the easiest 12 step process you've heard of? Sure beats quitting smoking.

Good luck,

  • -Richard Biscevic
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