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From digest.v9.n972 Mon Feb 8 11:53:08 1999
From: "Odd Job" <>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 09:03:04 PST
Subject: NEW DISCOVERY FOR 96 or later E36

Fellow digesters,
I'm too excited to inform you about a new discovery that I've made over the last week end. Maybe some of you guys were already aware of that but I wasn't.
If you press the "auto" and the rear window "defrost" buttons at the same time while the car is running, the climate controls display's changes into a data display.
On the left hand side you will see a number between 1 and 12 and on the RHS you will see an other set of numbers. If you press + and - of the climate control, you will see that the numbers on the LHS change between 1 and 12. I couldn't figure out all of the steps between 1 and 12 but I'm sure that step 6 shows the actual rpm and step 7 shows the actual speed in km/h. I also assume that steps 1 and 2 show oil and coolant temperatures. so it is for you guys to figure out the rest. If I'm correct about temperatures, there is no more need for extra gauges. I hope this was something new for you guys as well. I asked about it to my service but they didn't have a clue about it. Enjoy your new trick

Harun Simavi
95' CBR 600 (for sale)
97' M3 Dakar Yellow II, Euro snorkel, Supersprint DTM, AC Shifter, AC pedals and newly discovered digital display.

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