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From digest.v5.n54 Wed Jul 31 14:55:30 1996
From: David Cohen <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 11:49:51 -0400
Subject: E36 Alarm Falsing (Alpine model#82111469444)

Just thought I'd update everybody on where I am at with the alarm problem on my M3. I have talked to BMW NA again and they are no closer to figuring out what is going on. So here is a recap of what is known.

The alpine alarm model #82111469444 installed in E36 3 series will spontaneously go off. According to BMW this complaint is most frequent on convertables, but I know of people with this problem on M3's, 318's and Z3's...This happens most frequently at night (thus ensuring you get no sleep and that your neighboors get no sleep). I have received email from two people who have witnessed the alarm actually go off - one during the day while he was near his car and one who videotaped it... The LED most frequently will indicate the glass breakage sensor has triggered the alarm, although I have once had it indicate the hood/trunk sensor. If your alarm goes off and you want to know which sensor triggered the alarm look at the little LED flasher in the console. 3 flashes = glass breakage sensor, 2 flashes = hood/trunk sensor, 1 flash = door sensor.

BMW's current fix as per BMW NA is to "set the control module to the superlow setting, dip switches 1&2 set to the on setting. Do not replace the alarm control module for this complaint". This does not fix the problem but may reduce the number of times you are woken in the night from 3 or 4 to 1 or 2. I was told by the service advisor at my dealer that they were instructed to make a list of people with this complaint. I have also been offered twice (and have the offer still open) a refund on the alarm (purchased at time of sale of the car). If I ever find time I intend to look at alarm alternatives and may take them up on the offer. I think BMW NA is sick of my calling to see if they have a clue about what is wrong yet... (I wonder what they would do if we all called them up demanding a refund at the same time....)

Sorry there isn't more usefull information...

Dave Cohen
'96 M3 3K
'90 Ford Taurus SHO 139K

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