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From digest.v6.n872 Fri Jul 11 15:48:33 1997
From: Sterling <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 18:49:13 -0700
Subject: Re: Front Lip Spoiler

I'm sorry that I missed the first posting on this subject. I have had the "front lip" on the luxury package M3 spoiler installed and the only thing you need to do is drill the holes (total of eleven). In my situation, I took my car to the body shop I work with (B-Line in San Jose) and had them disassemble the entire spoiler and then position the lip properly on the bottom of the spoiler. There are seven screws and four expanding threaded studs (two on each end). The entire job took less than an hour, with the right tools. I also have seen the additional split lip from the LTW installed (it looks great combined with the Luxury package center bars). The only thing that you need to be aware of is that you are reducing your ground clearance by about an additional two inches. The installation I saw had scrape marks on the bottom and the front. It takes some getting used to and you need to be careful, if you go over a parking lot concrete bumper and then try to back up. You run the risk of pulling your entire spoiler/air dam off.

>From: "Timothy A. Roach" <>
>Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 12:11:53 -0700
>Subject: <E36> Re: Front Lip Spoiler
>I have no clue about your harness questions, but I believe that the
>front valence (air dam) on the Lux and non-Lux M3 are the same part.
> The only real difference is the grill which bolts on from the
>back...and can also be swapped.
>Maybe you should go the whole 9 yards and get an M3 LTW splitter
>> Front Lip Spoiler: Has anyone out there installed the front lip spoiler
>> that comes on the standard M3 onto the Luxury air dam? The parts guy at
>> my dealership said it can't be done. I say he's full of it and there
>> must be a way.
>- -Tim

>| Timothy A. Roach                              408/457-2262 |
>| Alden/Roach Consulting | >| Santa Cruz, California "An addend of the SUM Group" |


Darold Wilson
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