Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v7.n217 Tue Sep 23 19:56:27 1997
From: "Andrew C. Stoffel (914) 574-4784" <acs_at_campus.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 00:53:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: <SUMMARY> Re: Zymol longevity question
Thanks to the following for answering my questions about
Jonathan Farber <jonathan.farber_at_gs.com>
Joseph Koral <jkoral_at_realworld.com>
Scott Blazey <edpm3_at_earthlink.net>
Phil Marx <BMW_at_comet.net>
Dean Schreier <Dean.Schreier_at_pscmail.ps.net>
Joe Marko <joe_at_hms-motorsport.com>
Haridev T. Vengateri haridev_at_stanford.com
Jonathan Farber <jonathan.farber_at_gs.com>
Joe G. Thompson <joe_at_eek.mv.com>
All answers were serious and chock full of actual content.
*Disclaimer: I don't sell ANY car related products or have
any financial stake in any car related ventures and, as
always, YMMV
The following is a SUMMARY of the 8 messages I received...
no commercial endorsement or money under the table was
involved. Anyone who wants to know where I eventually
purchase the stuff & for how much, & what I think
about it can e-mail me privately)
As far as the longevity of an 8 oz. container of zymol I
received the following tidbits:
General Comments:
"it should last damn near forever. It doesn't take much
to wax a BMW."
Zymol Carbon:
Zymol Creme:
"Turtle"-mol Cream ("Zymol" labeled Turtlewax) :
- The idea is just too horrible to contemplate even
estimating it's use.
- For best results, don't use it
Places to purchase it in NH:
- Bavarian Autosport (one gentle reader thought I was being
negative regarding these folks.... quite the contrary, they just
happen to be the only organization I was aware of selling
the stuff in NH so they're my only reference point.)
- Mike Cooney might sell it at his used BMW/Volvo store in
- Tulley BMW in Nashua, NH
Places outside of NH:
- HMS Motorsport in Marblehead MA (Not quite in NH but
close enough for my purposes - NH is not a large state)
- Zymol - directly from the source - (Not close enough)
10-15% discount if you order from the Web
- Phil Marx will give you a pretty good price on zymol stuff.
(No, Phil Marx didn't recommend himself. His recommendations
were for geographically closer people.)
- Barbara Bissett at Performance Automotive, Inc. in Glastonbury, CT.
apparently has info on New England area zymol distributors
And just to be fair - Other mentioned Products are known to
be available from:
Blitz Wax -> Larry Reynolds at Car Care Specialties in NJ.
Turtle-mol -> K-mart, Wal-Mart, and other fine
high-volume automobile care product vendors.
Meguiars was also mentioned but a source wasn't (though I
believe I've seen it in the Bavarian AUto catalog)
Hope this helps other bimmer-philes about to follow the same
zymol-coated trail.
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