Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From list-errors.700002333.0.700754162_at_boing.topica.com Thu Feb 10 07:49:27 2000
for <dale_at_unofficialbmw.com>; Thu, 10 Feb 2000 07:49:25 -0800
To: carl_at_liquidwebs.com
Cc: e36m3_at_topica.com
From: skip.bogard_at_alumni.duke.edu
Subject: Re: [E36M3] Strong Gas Smell?
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 07:49:20 -0800
Suspect the fuel pump system. It's weak link is that the
pump components entering into the top of the fuel tank are made of
white plastic. The nipples that the fuel lines mount to are
made of plastic. They often crack at the intersection of
the nipple base/fuel sender top. You might not see a crack, but
if you have a problem you will see fuel...lots of it... in a 1/2"
deep puddle.
To diagnose:
- Remove your back seat...it just pulls out.
- Unscrew the left (driver's side) access panel to your fuel pump
system components (right side is called "suction side", left side
is "sender side" (silver about 6" round)...about three screws from memory
- Look for gas on top of fuel sender
- If gas is present, suspect plastic nipples at top of sender.
- If no gas found, do same on right side.
Don't smoke while doing this. I don't recommend doing the repair
yourself...the # of labor hours isn't that much, vs. possibly
getting a bad sender (& hassle of trying to return an installed part),
not getting a warranty, not to mention the risk of blowing up.
carl_at_liquidwebs.com wrote:
> Hello All,
> My 95 M3 just developed a strage problem......there is a strong gas
> smell that seems to come from the right rear of the car(outside) and is
> sometimes obvios inside the car as well. It is not dependent on fuel
> level and was not brought about by any specific incident(other than cold
> weather?). The car runs fine, there doesn't seem to be a fuel leak and
> the gas lid seal looks good.
> Anyone have any thoughts? I want to take the car on a 4 hour trek up
> into the mountains this weekend but am concerned with the odor.
> Also, I have started to get a random "click" sound from behind the
> instrument cluster that is also new and not seemingly related to
> anything.
> TIA!
> Best Regards,
> Carl
> '95 M3
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