Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v7.n1070 Tue Feb 3 23:37:28 1998
From: "Ron Browne" <rbrowne_at_erols.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 21:54:04 -0500
Subject: Brief Counterpoint to Roundel Article
To : Yale Rachlin, BMWCCA; Erik Wensberg, BMWNA
CC: BMWCCA, BMW Internet Digest
Subject: Facts
Thank you for taking the time to forward my letter regarding the M42 318i
engine defect (profile gasket failure) to Erik Wensberg of BMWNA, and I also
thank you for publishing the letter/response in the February 1998 issue of
the Roundel. (Page 16, "M42 318 Gasket Problem"). I do feel the need to
address a couple of significant issues which were bought up by Erik and
In your "Ed. Note" and in Erik's carefully worded "response", you both
state that neither BMWNA nor the Roundel has ever heard of the "sudden loss
of coolant" as a result of the failure of the Timing Case Profile Gasket.
Erik goes on to state that "If the gasket does fail, the coolant loss is
not sudden and complete but may develop a slow leak.....which may lead to
higher than normal engine temperatures..."
I would like to quote an article by a contributing editor for a noted
automotive magazine:
"...there's a little gasket in them (318 engines) that can make your
own personal little Chernobyl if you don't pay attention.....it's called the
Profile Gasket. ...It's inside edge is visible when you remove the
(thermostat) housing and stat. Assuming it still has an edge. When it blows
out, the leak can be sudden and significant. As happened to a customer of
mine. They were in heavy freeway traffic when the temp guage went into the
red. There were no shoulders to turn off and allow the engine to
cool....The damage from the extra few minutes of driving was severe. The
head warped. In fact, it began to collapse into the cylinders. The oil was
burned, the pistons, those beautiful little powerhouses, began to melt and
transfer their metals to the side of the cylinder walls like (crayons) on a
hot stove. Junk motor. ...."
An excerpt from some anonymous letter writer? A post on the internet
from some possibly fictitious lunatic? No. The above quotes were made by
the respected contributing editor to the Roundel, Jenny Morgan, in her "Die
Werkstatt" column of the October 1996 issue of the Roundel. Not quite what
I would refer to as "developing a slow leak". Kind of makes "leading to
higher engine temperatures" sort of an understatement. True, the above is
probably a worst case scenario. Others, like former National Capital
Chapter BMWCCA President Mike Gayle, may have been shocked to approach their
318's only to find a "huge puddle" of coolant dispersed on the ground
without any prior warning, at least allowing them time to limp home or call
the tow truck. In Erik's comments, he alluded that the improved gaskets
put in place after 10/93 "eliminate the possibility of even a slow leak".
Are you certain of this, Erik? You may want to check with Raj Wallace at
raj_wallace_at_sunrisetelecom.com ....he recently had his replacement profile
gasket fail on his 1992 318is. In any event, having to have major engine
work done ( in many cases without reparation) needlessly and prematurely,
due to a manufacturers defect is UNACCEPTABLE, and as more and more 318
owners suffer this defect, become aware of the cause, and are forced to
hand over $1200+, I assure you, I won't be the only one writing letters,
asking questions, and taking action.
Ron Browne
1992 318is
Bowie, MD
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