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From digest.v5.n666 Fri Dec 6 21:29:12 1996
From: Lisa & Rick Westerfield <73237.2070_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 06 Dec 96 16:20:12 EST
Subject: E-36 M3 Muffler Bracket

Hello BMW Digest,

The next time you are under your car (maybe any E-36) check out the muffler bracket that is about a foot forward of the oxygen sensor. My 95 M3 with only 11,000 miles had severe rust in the bracket. It was that kind of rust that was delaminating the whole bracket. It would not have failed in a week but it would have been all rust dust within a year.

This would leave the muffler pipe without suspension directly amidships and dangerously prone to breakage. Go price a BMW M3 E-36 muffler pipe assembly et al. You will shriek with horror!!! It is unspeakably expensive.

If your car has this problem, the parts are relatively cheap at around $10 or so. You are all probably still under warranty so just have the dealer fix it. I would give you the part number but I think the number here in Belgium is different. Make your dealer put a little antiseize compound on that bolt just in case the bracket wants to do this again. You will thank yourself next time. You can also try some heat resistant paint but lets not be too hopeful. If mine rusts like this again I'm headed to the powder coating or Jet-Hot place.

Rick Westerfield - Mons-Casteau Belgium CCA # 75009 since 1989
M3 Register member
ACA since about 93 or so
75 2002 (What a Car! Somebody elses fun now though . . . : ( 95 M3 (Oh What a Car . . . especially in Europe!! :)

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