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From digest.v7.n1343 Thu Mar 19 07:34:52 1998
From: Greg Koenig <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 03:36:13 -0700
Subject: <E36>Euro Toy PNs

I have gotten a few requests for Euro part numbers for retrofit kits. First, off, let me tell you that I got these numbers from a dealer in the UK (Bates BMW, London <not actually London, one of those confusing

suburbs> For help, talk to Glen, a very helpful guy at 011441715826000,
tell him Greg sent you). The part numbers I have listed are for a '94 E36/2. Included are the main kits which will work for all E36 cars (exculidng the E36/7 Z3). The harness part numbers are only for an E36/2, and application to other E36 variants should be confirmed before you buy.

Rear Electric Vent Wondows (coupe only) Install Kit: 51369402689
Wiring Harness Left: 61719402660
Wiring Harness Right: 61129404366
Replaces manual rear window openers with electronic motor. Uses the center consol from the Sedan which now has 4 (full size) window switches. Very trick if you ask me and it costs about US$370 in parts.

Heated High Pressure Headlamp Washers:
Install Kit: 82199404447
Wiring Harness: 61679401942
Wiring Harness: 61129401852
Adds two washer jets between the bumper and the headlamp which activates when the headlapms are on and the windshield washer is used. This might require a larger waterholder and a more powerful pump. The kit and harness will definitly add all electronic connections and hosing, as well as the actual jets and mounting kit. Very cool, but also rather expensive at US$740 in parts.

Automatic Climate Control:
Install Kit: 64509403977
Wiring Harness 64519401994
Wiring Harness 61129402715
Wiring Harness 61129410406
Wiring Harness 61129401695
Adds digital climate control to cars that did not come equipped with it in the first place. I think this also adds a number of timed ventilation controls that the US spec cars do not come with (but John Firestone can help you add). Only really usefull if you REALLY REALLY want digital control. Sort of cool, but at around US$2200 for parts, you better be an air conditioning junkie.

Parking Distance Control:
Install Kit: 66209405134
For the rear only. Adds a beeping nose which becomes more intense as you get closer to objects near the rear bumper. I'll take it since I use a Schroth harness on the street and seeing behind the high mounted trunk of the E36 is a pain. Costs about US$500

Again, all of the above information is for UK spec cars. This means that to install all of the above won't be as simple as the kits are intended, though none of the above is anywhere near impossible to do. It might take a little bit of creative wiring, or it might just plug right on in. I personally am planning on installing the Parking Distance Control, Rear Vent Windows and Rear For Lights (since Rear fogs are standard in Europe, there is no retrofit kit out there, contact the very helpful John Firestone_at_<> for install instructions). To acquire the above, contact Bekkers, or, as I am going to do, call up HMS Motorsports. O, BTW, If you want to install any of the above, get ALL wiring harnesses listed for that item (if you have an E36/2). For other models, acquire all the P/Ns for your model. Have fun, and if something doesn't work and you find yourself with a $2000 digital climate control on your hands you can't install, don't say I didn't warn you!

Bates BMW of London
Ask For Glen Tell him Greg Sent You

Bekkers Imports

HMS Motorsports

Greg Koenig
San Francisco, CA
'94 Dinan 3
Just got a fiance... so now:

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