Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 19:18:36 -0500
From: RL <>
Subject: E36 OBC
The answer is not good I'm afraid. No, there is no easy way to upgrade
to OBC. The necessary sensors are there, mostly. The problem is there is
not one stitch of wire in the harness necessary for the OBC. I can send
you the schematic for a non-obc car and the schematic for the obc car
and you will see about 20 more wires in the harness. If you want to do
this you'd better to be very inclined electrically and have a very
cooperative dealer to supply you with the OBC connector and all of the
pins you will need for the various connectors around the car. These are
available but the part numbers are hard to find. Also, be ready to hear
that the electrical warranty is void because you modified the harness.
I just got an education on all this after I purchased a 328I that had a
burnt harness and have slowly been putting it back together.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.