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From digest.v6.n902 Mon Jul 21 07:43:25 1997
From: Don Eilenberger <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 00:39:46 -0400
Subject: RE: 1997 528I auto transmission

Randy - in panic asks:

>Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 23:04:56 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: 1997 528I auto transmission
>Question, my US spec. 1997 528I has a automatic transmission that says "GM
>Hydramatic" "made in Straousberg, France". This is a 4spd. automatic.
>Question is, is this indeed a GM transmission that BMW is buying?

Yup. Just like they buy parts from other manufacturers.. remember, they are Bavarian MOTOR Works.. their primary interest is engines.. all the rest'a the stuff just gives'em something to put the engine in.

>#2. Are the PARTS inside this transmission BMW, or made in GERMANY parts?

Nope. Made in France.

>#3. If a GM transmission, how many years have they put them in 5 series?

Since the intro of the M50 engine - in both the 5 series and the 3 series..

>#4. Does anyone else have a automatic 91'- forward (or 97' 528I) ?. Look down
>past the dipstick with a flashlight to the transmission case on the drivers
>side. I have a sticker there with bar code labeling and a big GM hydramatic,
>etc. What do you have?

Actually - you want to ask, does anyone else have an M50 engined car.. starting in '91? Never looked for the label, dunno if it's on my '92..

>All posters that have cars that apply PLEASE respond.
>97' 528I auto (I THINK it's a BMW, or is it a GM?)
>97' 840CI auto w/ZF auto trans.

Randy - chances are the Strasburg tranny will outlast and outperform the ZF in your 840.. and are you sure the 840 has a ZF? - last I heard all the BMW auto-trannies were going to be from Strasburg.. remember, Rolls Royce uses a GM design in their cars.. and GM was really the pioneer of automatic transmissions - and especially the 4 speed automatics.. in the 1960's Olds-88 the 4 speed automatic was THE standard for quality at the time. In some cases - believe it or not - the General Motors does know how to design something.

The GM-Strausburg tranny has not developed a self-destruction reputation that the ZF electronic-trannies did - and is noticably smoother and more responsive in operation.

In some cases - world-class design may come from a source you think unlikely.

Best (and much happier with my Strasburg tranny than the ZF I had before),

Don Eilenberger
Spring Lk Hts, NJ, USA
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