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From digest.v7.n746 Wed Dec 10 22:02:49 1997
From: Duane Collie <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:19:22 -0500
Subject: ACS Short Shift Kit install

> From: Jan Wagelaar <>
> Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 09:51:37 +0100
> Subject: ACS short shift kit install
> If anybody has tips/shortcuts/hints for ac schnitzer short shift kit
> install, it would be much appreciated.


I've installed three of these kits in the past 6 months - all in E36's. The real trick to doing these is to be really L-O-O-S-E. They involve lots of manipulating clips in VERY tight places. After the car is on the jackstands, I partake of several Rolling Rocks prior to crawling under said car to fully enable my FLE XABILITY and to numb the pain from the cramping hands. More beer = easier install.

The first one will take you two to three hours - subsequent ones 45 minutes. Don't try it with the car hot - very painful. I'll try to write up an entire procedure and post it to the U.U.C. page shortly. Here's the highlights:

Put the tranny in reverse before you start.

The hardest part of the install is getting the front carrier mounting clip to swing up and out of the way. Get a very small, high-quality screwdriver that will not break (I use Snap-On's mini-kit ones) and pry the lever up FROM THE REAR. It takes a knack to wiggle the blade into the underside of the clip - you will b e working from touch as you cannot see the clip - and you will need to exert quite a bit of pressure to pop the clip free. Cheap screwdrivers may fail.

Once you swing that clip free, everything else is relatively easy. Remove all the linkages and fit them into the ACS carrier on the workbench. Look at the bends in the linkages before you pull them off the car so you can keep the orientation correct. Do not try to assemble ACS unit with the linkages still in the car

  • the last shaft & bushing will bind when you go to push it in.. Oh, and don't lose the red nylon washers that flank the circlips - you need to reuse those.

Last tip, when you install the ASC trailer hitch ball (the fun part), push down HARD as you tighten the allen head screws so they will catch the detent in the shaft. Otherwise the knob will rattle.

E-mail me privately if you want me to walk you through the procedure over the phone.

Duane Collie
Nat. Cap. Chapter