Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
From digest.v6.n304 Sun Mar 2 22:43:56 1997
From: Dan & Anne Miley <mileyd_at_tiac.net>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 1997 20:59:12 -0500
Subject: Lessons on buying a helmet
I just went through the "Buying a helmet for driving school"
routine last week. Here's what I learned and did.
If you want to do driver's schools and autocross, you generally
can use a motorcycle helmet. It should meet at least Snell M-90
standard. M-95 preferred since you'll be able to use it in a few
years when M-90's are no longer accepted. I checked with the Boston
chapter driving school coordinator. I'm not sure if this is true
for SCCA Solo II autocross. The higher level you go, the higher
the standards for safety equipment. Check with the people who run
any event you're like to be involved in.
If you will be doing BMW CCA Club Racing, you will need a Snell
SA-90 or SA-95 approved helmet. Not driving schools, but real
Club Racing with roll cage, safety suit, etc.
SA helmets are fireproof, are designed to withstand repetitive
banging (as in banging on the roll bar as your race car tumbles), and
usually have a smaller view port compared to an M helmet. They also
tend to fit tighter.
M helmets are not necessarily fireproof, are designed to deal with
the "big bang" impact (your head striking the street after your
1100 CC mega-bike goes down hard), and have bigger viewports.
After checking out both options, I bought a Shoei RF-700 helmet
meeting Snell M-95 at a local motorcycle place. I did that because
I could try it on (don't buy a helmet unless you try it on yourself),
it met all the car event standards I will be doing in the next few
years, and because I may (again) own a motorcycle some day. It also
seemed pretty comfortable, as helmets go. I paid just over $250
for the helmet.
If you want to buy an SA helmet, I have info on places with good
prices. Again, mail order doesn't let you try it on. Hope this helps.
Thanks to all the digest members who helped me out.
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