Ron Stygar
Carl Buckland
Dale Beuning
Date: Sat, 05 Sep 98 23:18:52 -0800
From: "POWELL"<jim.powell_at_ada.com>
Subject: Re[2]: [E36M3] Tire pressure Autox
Walk the course first if possible. If there are no braking cones
marked, ask to have them marked by putting another cone on top of the
other cones every 25 feet back from the apex cone to say 100-150 feet
back. Particularly on corners at the end of the faster straights and
sweepers. Then take an instructor with you and see where he starts
braking. Don't be afraid to push the brakes to the point the
anti-lock kicks in. That's what its there for. Just don't jump on
them initially. You don't want to lock them momentarily. And it will
happen. If your car has traction control, turn it off. Aircon too.
Remember to look ahead for the apex. Drive with your eyes a couple of
seconds past where instinct tells you. Roll the throttle on smoothly
coming out of slow corners. A good cure for this is to drive in third
as soon as possible instead of second. Smooth is better than trying
to whip the course. Trail braking is an art, learn it. Take a lawn
chair, water, hat, an air pump even if its a cigarette lighter type
and extra oil. Pack a lunch that won't spoil if the event isn't
providing them. Torque the lugs before you go. Leave the spare and
jack and everything else at home or take it out when you get there.
Put in that 8th quart of oil before you run. Careful about missed
shifts, and let the car idle after runs with the hood open to cool
off. Helmets are supposed to be tight. If its easy to put it on its
too big. Your head shouldn't rattle around in there. Wear
sunglasses. Thin socks and tight shoes let you feel the throttle.
Just like in golf, too many people giving you advice will screw you
up. Pick one instructor. Ask him to drive with you on two practice
runs and give you *one* that's right, one and only one thing to work
on. Work on it. Don't try to impress him. You won't. Thank the guy
or woman for their time. Don't yak with people while they're prepping
their cars. They might forget to tighten something and wreck their
car or get hurt. There's time to BS during rest periods or later.
Listen to the starter. Offer to help at the next one.
Oh yea, have a good time.
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