1997 - 328 BMW Install and Review
Disclaimer - The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and you know what they say about opinions. I have no association with either Blaupunkt or Continental Imports outside of being a user of their equipment and services. Please do not reproduce this document without the permission of the author. Enjoy......

Installation Photos Added


When I acquired my BMW 1997 328is, I opted not to purchase the BMW CD changer for the roughly $800.00 fee BMW required. My reasoning for this was that (a) I could purchase it from an aftermarket dealer much cheaper and (b) I was not sure that I was pleased with the sound of the stock audio system. After driving around listening to the FM radio and cassettes for about 6 months, I decided it was time to look into at least adding CD capability. I also figured out for sure that I was not happy with the stock audio systems’ sound. My basic goal was just to get CD in the car, but if I could improve the sound at the same time, that would be an added bonus.

The Problem.....

I have been involved in audio both professionally and as a hobbyist for many years. I also have done or helped do more car stereo installs than I can care to remember. The one thing that I did learn over the years, is when it comes to audio everyone has a different opinion of what sounds good. Some people use their ears, some use specifications, and others use their pocketbooks. I have always tried to use my ears along with a beer budget (often at the same time). Now that you where I am coming from, here is what I found wrong with the stock audio system. Actually, it is not that bad. It has a tendency to roll of the highs and subdue the midrange a bit. I never heard much coming out of the front tweeters to the point that I thought maybe they were not connected. This causes the sound stage to be a bit narrow and not much ambience. The bass response seems to have a peak in the 120mhz range giving a distinct mid bass thump. The biggest problem is the lack of presence in vocals and other solo instruments. Definition of individual instruments is also a bit blurred. These factors all combine to give the system a veiled sound or some people say it sounds muddy. Some people also point to the stock speaker system and amps high distortion numbers as the source of these problems. However, I was not sure if I believed that. With very good FM or cassette source material and turning up the volume a bit, the stock system can be pleasing at times. I felt by adding a better source like CD that this would improve the system overall. Another feature missing from the stock system was a loudness contour control. The 328 is a relatively quite car and it is shame to have to turn the radio volume up louder than necessary to hear the bass. However, my goal was to improve the sound for as little cash outlay as possible. With that in mind I decided to ask around the net and do a little research.





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