<e36> hot clutch shudder

Along with the very low speed E36 clutch shudder reported in FAQ #17, I
have recently discovered there is a heat-related shudder in the 1996
model year.  Consider the following scenario.

  John is driving his 1996 (week 21) 318is down the Autobahn
  at 160 km/h (100 mph) on a clear, cool day, (temperature 22
  C or 72 F).  After about 20 minutes, he exits, shifts down
  to second gear, gently lets out the clutch and gives just
  enough gas to maintain 30 km/h (about 20 mph).  With the car
  stabilized at this speed, he then gently gives gas.  The car
  shudders a couple cycles as it accelerates.  He continues
  at 60 km/h (about 35 mph), and every few minutes he repeats
  this test.  Each time, the car continues to shudder, but more
  and more weakly, until after perhaps 15 minutes, the shudder

After I had related these symptoms, and he had checked the DME for
faults and done a little (uneventful) cold weather testing, one of the
mechanics immediately diagnosed a defective clutch.  He says the shudder
is a known problem in the 1996 model year that appears when the clutch
is hot.  One of the Meister quickly agreed and has scheduled its

- -John
'96 318is

- -- 
John Firestone, Alfred Wegener Institut   jfiresto_at_awi-bremerhaven.de
 fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung             +49 (471) 4831 363
Postfach 120161, D-27515 Bremerhaven          ..  ...  .... 149 (fax)